Table of Contents

What Could Possibly Go WR0NG

Recruitment Post

Guess who's back? Back again!

WR0NG is back!! Tell a friend!!

(Please don't try and sing that, it's terrible, we tried)

But it's all true, after a much needed break, we are in fact back and recruiting!!

Come and see if WR0NG is RIGHT for you!

What We Offer:

What we're looking for:


Everybody in WR0NG - “Really great group of people”

A Former Member - “Batshit fucking crazy, but lovable at the same time”

Allies of WR0NG - “They are kinda nuts!”

Random guy from EVE Online Facebook Group that we don't know - “This group hasn't done nothing special in EVE. Just another bottom tier shit alliance”

Contact us today! You won't be disappointed! Guaranteed, or your ISK BACK!

The Process

The process to join WR0NG couldn't be any simpler!

Whether you want to join as an individual, or whether you're a CEO who seeks to have their corporation
join WR0NG, the process is essentially the same!

First, all it takes is for you to reach out to us! Either through our in-game channel, “WR0NG Recruitment”
or our Discord.

Once you find your way onto our Discord, we'll ask you to follow the instructions to NUT Yourself!
This is a standard, straight-forward process in which you'll link all of your characters and your Discord to our auth system.

This allows us to perform a comprehensive background check and to sniff all of your dirty underwear to make sure you have
what it takes to be a WR0NG member!

After nutting, we'll perform an oral interview, in which you'll be asked basically every question under the sun, and
maybe a few that aren't under the sun, too.

After successfully completing the oral interview, and upon completion of a background check bearing no defects,
you (or your corporation) will be accepted into the alliance. The background check can take several days, so
your patience is appreciated.