
  • sign in or sign up if needed.
  • on the left, click on the groups tab
  • Under available groups, look for FC and click “Request” button
  • Let your alliance leadership know so they can approve your request.
  • Make sure you are in the FC group. This is unavailable until your request is approved. Please see above.
  • Click on the Fleet Pings tab
  • Fill out the form
    • Ping Target is whether you want the ping to hit @here or @everyone
    • Pre Ping checkbox. Please check this if you're making a pre ping for a later timer. This will be entered on the calendar if the option is chosen later.
    • Ping Channel is what channel you want the ping to go to
    • Fleet type: Please choose from the drop down.
    • FC Name: Free Text
    • Fleet Name: Free Text
    • Formup Location: Free text but will prepopulate A1 if that's what you start with.
    • Form up time. If this is a pre ping, please fill this out. If it is gray and its a pre ping, uncheck “Formup NOW”. If it is a now ping, please make sure the box is checked.
    • Fleet comms: Free Text but start with Teamspeak and you will get some prepopulated responses to our channels on TS.
    • Ship / Doctrine: Free Text
    • SRP: Drop Down
    • Additional Information: Please put a summary or whatever data should be on the ping.
    • Create Optimer: This only shows if it is a preping. Check this box put an entry on the calendar.
    • Create Ping: Sends it, make sure everything is right.
  • fcs.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/11 19:27
  • by q Hakoke